My name’s Mick and I’m 22 years young:P I’ve been doing photography for about 2 and half years. I use a Canon EOS Rebel (35mm) and a Nikon D80. I enjoy doing all sorts of photography. I’m looking to get some sort of career out of it. I know it’s hard but like alot of you it’s my passion. I’m currently designing a website which I hope to have running in the new year.
Welcome to the site, enjoy yourself and start posting. You will have to make up your mind, you can’t run with the fox (Canon) and hunt with the hounds (Nikon).
Canon/Nikon? They both help me take photos. And anyway, the camera is only as good as the person behind it! :P
Oh, and does anyone know if the avatar feature is down because I can’t seem to upload anything! Even a 50 x 50 pixel jpeg. I even tried linking it to my photobucket and it still didn’t work :(
Also, I don’t see an ‘edit signature’ link. Can I do that? I would also like to put a link to my flickr account.