Hi there
Just a note to say hi and i hope to join into the forum discussion as often as i can.
for those interested i live in Ashbourne, i have a small photography business that i am trying to get off the ground. i have been into photography for 10 years on and off and if interested please look at my sites below.
welcome to the site and do enjoy yourself here. I notice you are in Ashburn. Have a few friends living there, one being a mad drummer from the 70’s but now a much more refined, well groomed citizen who works on TV in front of the camera. I love to visit the place but the traffic there over the last 10 years is desperate.
Anyway, its still a nice place and I always enjoy it when I get there.
Welcome aboard Darren. Lived in Ashbourne myself for about ten years but left about eight years ago. Hope you enjoy your time here. Looking forward to seeing a few posts from you.