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Help a new member :)

  • l.naughton1

    Hello everyone, I am a new member! :)

    I am trying to get started in photography. Have had countless digital cameras. My mom was recommending I try and get a Canon Eos Rebel XTI. What do you think?

    I want to try and get better quality shots, motion shots and close-up shots.

    Anyways let me know what you think! All I’ve read is reviews I don’t know why one camera would be better than another, or anything about lenses/zoom! :)



    Hi and welcome to PI :D , that’s probably the most asked question on this site. That said I’m sure you’ll get a few answers, the Canon Rebel XTI is a great starter camera and you won’t go far wrong picking up one of these. You know yourself, your mammy is always right. :D This camera was also my first and I really enjoyed using it, it’s fairly old at this stage but I’m sure there’s loads of good ones out there going cheap.

    You will probably get the standard kit lens 18 – 55mm which is a fine lens for starting out with. Try this lens for a few months and you’ll soon figure out what to buy next. Buying new lens can be quite addictive.

    Hopes this helps.



    Hi and welcome to the site.

    As Dave has said this is a question that is raised a lot, my advise is to go into your local camera shop and try out the different makes and models and get a feel for one you like!

    Regards Steve

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