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Help setting up my studio – what can I do without

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Help setting up my studio – what can I do without

  • Paula N Photography

    Is this for a commercial studio or something to play around with at home?

    For newborn photography I think you would be better off using natural light by a window with a reflector. I’ve used both strobe and natural light for this and I think the natural light is softer and gives a better feel but everyone is different.

    For setting up a commercial studio then I can’t help you as I have no experience in that! :)

    Paula N Photography

    Ballyman thanks a mil for coming back to me. It’s a proper purpose built studio. I hope to do pet portraits and babies mostly and maybe the odd kids shoot. I have done a course or two on studio photography but I have never actually done it yet so am a bit green as to where to start.


    It’s a pretty big investment for something you have never done before. Would you not try and do some home studio stuff first and see how you get on before paying out vast sums of money on equipment and rent? You could rent a studio when needed also instead of kitting out your own and this way if it all goes wrong then you don’t have €k’s of equipment lying idle.

    For a home studio you could get away with one set of lights and a paper background once you were proficient in photoshop. You would be able to build up a lot of knowledge and experience doing this.

    I’m sure you know this already but it’s not a case of buying loads of lights and gear and then thinking it’s a case of pointing the camera at someone and away you go!! :)

    Paula N Photography

    Cheers ballyman. My initial post might seem like I really haven’t a clue I guess. The fact is for years I have been taking photos of my own kids as babies and otherwise lots of times and family and friends and have winged it with the use of natural light and black sheets, props etc. I really love doing this work and want to just do it properly without spending forever on Photoshop which I’m not particularly proficient in. If I’m honest, I dread weddings, formal stuff etc which I have done also with success. I want to do what I am passionate about and am not about throwing large sums of money away on a whim. I have thought about it and saved hard. I guess I have to start somewhere and am willing to get the bare minimum equipment that would start me off but don’t want to buy cheap gear only to be trying to get rid later. I have invested well in my camera and lens equipment so far so want to do likewise with my studio lights etc. I have a purpose built studio here so no point in renting a space and where I live, there are no photography studios to rent unfortunately. I’d have to buy the equipment anyway.

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