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help…..uploading photographs

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help…..uploading photographs

  • llamedos

    Please can someone help me, i’s really like to upload some photographs for critique. I’m an amateur photographer and would love some advice on improving my pictures, any help would be greatly appreciated.
    thanks Clare :D


    I had similar problems but here’s how I do it:
    Open a flicker account
    With the required image on screen in Flickr:
    Left click on the image
    Click “View all sizes”
    Choose a size that is 800Px or less wide. (Medium in this case)
    Right click on the image and then choose “View Image Info”
    Highlight and COPY the link after “Location”
    You can close Flickr then if you wish.

    Open the thread in PI where you wish to post the image.
    PASTE the link in to the page.
    Highlight the link you have just posted.
    Click on IMG icon at top of page.
    Then SUBMIT at the bottom.

    hope this helps<

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