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  • Sodafarl

    Thanks very much to everyone who offered advice and help,
    Thorsten I think the playing with the images is the best bet as my wife and kids were viewing the images and were turning them horizontal /vertical.
    I will heed your advice and that of everyone else.
    I haven’t really had a chance to try things today but last night with Jay and Robbies link I was able to save 248 images which is a bout halr, I also tried recovermyphoto which was showing 480 images I am going to try rescue me and see if it can improve the results.
    Will keep everyone informed and thanks again for the help.

    Noely F

    Hope ya get it sorted mate :wink:


    Noely F wrote:

    Hope ya get it sorted mate :wink:

    Thanks Noely I am getting there slowly but surely, great help from here and that other place i talk to you on. Bought a couple of programs and have up to about 41/2 hundred recovered. Only thing is really darkened the images and will need a fair bit of photoshop but then I can live with that. So I have oined the back up and back up again club.


    I found the same Carl, although I had taken shots over the lost files so mine were probably worse. So much so that quite a few of them were almost like images shot at 640×480 even though they were at full res. Like you thre most affected ones were the darker shots.



    Expresbro wrote:

    …almost like images shot at 640×480 even though they were at full res.

    I suspect that these are most likely the thumbnail images that the camera uses to display on the camera screen and the original full sized-images are gone. Once you write over a file it’s pretty much impossible to recover it unless perhaps you have access to forensic grade data recovery applications.


    I wouldn’t worry *too* much about deleting images on the fly as far as fragmented file systems go… you would have to take MANY shots and delete many shots on the fly to get a file system that was badly fragmented enough to be a serious problem. So long as you format between sessions (all this does, at least all it seems to do, is delete the FAT and create a new one, so it would be pretty hard for it to have an adverse effect) you should be perfectly fine.

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