Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but where would anyone reccommend to get black and white stuff developed at a reasonable price, and where prints do not look like they’ve been run through a spectra print machine, with exposures taken from first negative?
I’m mostly using C41 processed black and white, due to the cost of regular black and white in most placed I’ve asked about.
And a second question, what are the slowest ISO and fastest ISO films available at the moment, in colour, black and white, and slide, I have not used that many beyond the occasional 1600 Fuji black and white or Ilford 50 ISO stuff, but because of the costs of developing not always great quality, I have not used traditional black and white for at least 4 years.
Thanks John, from what I have seen so far, which is only a small section, there looks like there is plenty of things to keep me interested, and hopefully I will get to post some photo’s at some stage.