Hi there just found this forum while i was surfin randomly as you do now and then. My name is Richard and i am 29.
Looks good and very informative so i joined up and will post a few of my photos for you all to comment on. I have been takin photos for just under 2 years but only got my SLR at the start of 2007 (Canon 400D)
I now have a few lenses and a other bits and bobs including my new and shiney speedlight 580 EX which arrived on monday !
I have never done any training or takin any courses just self taught.
Well any way hello and am sure i will get to know you all soon.
Thanks all for the warm welcome… i am well used to forums as i was admin on a local car forum with about 2500 members for just over a year but the photography took over and left me with no time for it.
The only advice i should need is photography advice ;)