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High quality scanning service

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High quality scanning service

  • stcstc

    I am looking at setting up a very high quality scanning service

    using a a hassleblad level scanner etc

    I am interested in if people would use the service.

    I know repro 35 do this kind of scanning, but I am able to do it at a very reduced rate.


    All depends on the price and formats you scan

    I darkroom print my B&W but do get the odd colour neg/pos scanned and printed digitally with repro35. Id be careful investing in an expensive scanner, not sure how much business you would get, only you can gauge that…


    the scanner would be at the same kind of level as repro 35

    would be able to do 35, 120 etc on it and then do 5*4 & 10*8 on my v750 pro


    Well, Repro 35 use an Imacon, and their prices are just ridiculous-

    If I were to want better quality from 120, I think I’d prefer scans from a Nikon 9000…
    I’m afraid I can’t count myself in the market for V750 scans for obvious reasons…

    I think, as Martin said, it’s an area that might present a bit of a risk if it involved a major investment…



    all the 35 and 120 stuff would be done on the imacon,

    JB i do agree about their prices, i reckon i will be about 50% or their prices


    Personally I would have to be worried about the return on investment of one of those 10 grand scanners. I’ve used an X1 for 120 and the files are pretty nice alright. Time consuming though to get the best results.

    Good luck whatever you decide. It would be great to have affordable scanning but like I say I’d be unsure if it would be profitable.



    I would like to suggest you that first of all you just make clear that wherever you want to start your business, Is there requirement of it ??
    According to me this is the most important point which you should keep in your mind before starting your business.


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