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Highfield House.

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Highfield House.

  • dublindave

    This is from last summer. The building is a workingmans club nowaday but in times past was a private residence.



    I think thats excellent – is that the full crop or was there more of the lower part of the structure ? This would make a great black and white too.

    *Just saw that your ‘edit my pics’ setting is yes so I had a quick bash of trying it in bw.


    The B/W is a great idea, gives it a very Gothic spooky vibe.
    That is the full shot. There was some building work going on around the lower part of the building so I aimed above the builders and went for the roof instead. It is only five minutes away from where I live so I can go back another day and get some more.
    Here’s the roof again from a different angle, top of a car park.



    I do like the second a lot more than the first,
    its a very odd thing to see a building floating up there like that,
    and not being grounded at all-

    I think the second shot could be improved further by cropping just above the top chimney-
    there’s nothing above it that adds to the shot, and the backround is a lot tidier without it-
    nice patterning-


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