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How much for shots

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How much for shots

  • Joxer

    I hope someone can shed a little light on this for me.
    How much would you normally charge if a company wishes to use an image that you have taken?
    Also if you give them permission to use it does the image then become their property or do you still have rights to it?
    I am very new to this so any help would be great.

    Regards J


    Joxer wrote:

    I hope someone can shed a little light on this for me.
    How much would you normally charge if a company wishes to use an image that you have taken?
    Also if you give them permission to use it does the image then become their property or do you still have rights to it?
    I am very new to this so any help would be great.

    Regards J

    Depends on the agreement between you and the client i.e. your Quote – in most cases.

    If someone wants to use one of your images, you should simply charge them a Licence fee for the use of your image.
    So your Quote would look and read something like this:

    Whereby you state clearly:
    1. Number of images and what they are off (subject).
    2. Exclusive use or non-exclusive use.
    3. Clients name or company name.
    4. Media use agreed.
    5. Period of use agreed.
    6. Territory of use agreed.
    7. The Licence fee – which is based on the above information.

    If the image or images have already been produced or created – then you drop the word “produce” and just say: “To provide __ images of…”

    As for “how much would you normally charge” – well that would depend on 2 things:
    1. Your base rate or BUR (Base Usage Rate).
    2. What all THEY wanted to use your image for.

    Little use = little value.
    Greater use = greater value.
    .. to them.

    And as they are the ones wanting to use your image, then it’s the value to them that you need to try and determine, by negotiating the fee – using points 4, 5 & 6 above.

    Worth watching: Good negotiating skills are critical to the success of any independent photographer.

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