It’s a nice shot but I find myself looking for the end of the pier, but maybe that’s just me. :roll: If the tide was in I bet there would be a lovely reflection on a calm day.
Thanks for the reply’s. I am just starting out into photography as a hobby and need as much help as possible. Ilove thr critique because it really helps when another ( experienced) set of eyes look over your pics.
A fellow at my camera club swears by the maxim “dead centre is dead composition”. Whilst I’m sure there are exceptions to the rule, I think a different composition might work better here. But as others have said, it’s spot on in terms of sharpness and colour reproduction.
Agree with Neiler, great sharpness and nice light falling on the lighthouse, but maybe if you positioned it more to the left of the pic and down abit just enough to remove the water (rule of thirds).
Should run it through photoshop and darken the sky a slight bit, I think the light falling on the lighthouse would look well with a slightly darker sky behind it, would bring out the clouds behind it alot more too.
But overall a nice snap!