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  • Rob

    Hi all.

    Winkauss here. Musician, cook, carpenter, bibliophile, and owner of Ireland’s largest collection of eighteenth century tasteless shirts. Also known as Conan the Librarian on account of my magnificent physique. Here just over a week now so I thought I’d better introduce myself. A complete newbie (as you probably guessed from the few postings I’ve made) but eager to learn and happy to be here. Speaking of learning, I’m getting the distinct impression that I made the wrong choice when I purchased the Olympus E-500 kit; everyone here seems to be using either Nikon or Canon. Still, I might get something good eventually if I invest in some of the better four-thirds lenses. Here come’s the rain again, better shut down my laptop!! 8)


    Welcome aboard, Winkauss! And don’t worry, it’s not the camera – it’s the photographer. :)


    Hey Winkauss,

    Welcome to the forum :) I just bought a house out your direction, i’m hoping i’ll get rid of the
    Navan accent ;) BTW, if you’re interested in joining Navan Camera Club next Season give me a shout. It’s situated between Navan and Kells.

    Look forward to seeing some more of your work .


    8) Ah cheers guys, and thanks for the welcome. Thanks also for the invite to join Navan Camera Club, but I think I’d better wait until I’ve moved beyond taking “snapshots” before I venture into that particular realm 8) BTW, nothing at all wrong with a Navan accent. Been in Kells five years now and still trying to master it myself :wink:


    Hello there! Another Navan dweller here. And another beginner. I’m hoping to join the camera club…….ready to jump on a steep learning curve! So don’t leave me as the only newbie there!!!!


    I’m only a beginner too. It’s probably the best time to join. The guys are really helpful. I’ll post up some info in the Camera
    Club section when i get a chance. :)


    Thanks Ali! All this encouragement will get us there!

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