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Huski safari at the Article Polar Circle

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Huski safari at the Article Polar Circle

  • pallotron

    I’ve taken this shot last winter while going around on sledges pulled by 7 huski dogs in finland. :)
    C&C welcome!


    Must have been wonderful Angelo, I hope to be doing the same next month on my
    trip to Norway. There is a great sense of movement and I am sure it wasnt the easiest
    of shots to take….quite bumpy I would imagine. Well done and thanks I was delighted
    to see this.

    miki g

    Although the image is blurred, there is a fantastic sense of movement. I like it


    happy you like it.
    believe it was not so easy to take shots in that situation… i took something like 14 shots and this one is the one i like most.
    unfortunatelly it was november, there was not much snow yet and the soil was full of stones which made the trip a little bit… shaky :D


    love the image, as mentioned, fantastic sense of movement. its dizzying.

    now sorry for asking this in such laymans terms, but have you deliberately kept the trees being more or less B&W while very good colour evident in the huskies?

    also, did you go around for a few days on these things? Can one do 3 or 4 day husky treks? seems like an adventure.


    Liam2673 wrote:

    now sorry for asking this in such laymans terms, but have you deliberately kept the trees being more or less B&W while very good colour evident in the huskies?

    Well, no, i didnt, it came out that way :)
    Mainly because of the snow which was covering the trees…
    I just took the picture in color.

    Liam2673 wrote:

    also, did you go around for a few days on these things? Can one do 3 or 4 day husky treks? seems like an adventure.

    No, i just spent couple of hours on them. :)
    If you interested you can see the album set here:

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