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I love my new 50mm

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I love my new 50mm

  • GrahamB

    Folks, just bought the Canon 1.8 50mm and
    i love it. This isn’t a shot fro critique or anything I’m just so chuffed with the
    lens, especially considering the price, i just had to post my very first test shot.


    Like a little kid on Christmas morning…hehehe!!! :wink:

    Alan Rossiter

    What’s with the 50mm Graham? I’ve a crappy 18-70mm kit lens and I’m considering the Sigma 24-70mm f2.8. But the amount of times people rave about the 50mm f1.8 I’m thinking twice. What are the advantages??



    It’s just a cracking little lens. I took some sample shots on saturday and was blown away by
    the amount of light it lets in and the detail you can get out of it.
    The DOF it produces is insane. For the ?130 price tag i really don’t think you can go wrong.
    I can’t wait to try it out with some street shooting or some landscape just to see what will happen.


    There are several threads on here that discuss the relativ merits of the 50mm Prime Alan. I have the Nikon 50mm 1.8 and I basically bought it after seeing some of the great shots taken with it on this forum. Flikr have whole groups dedicated to it. I think people buy it 1. Because it’s cheap. 2. Because it is sharp and works great in low light and 3. It gives a really nice shallow DOF.

    Personally I think it’s a no-brainer, not even worth considering at the price. Just buy it!!

    The only down note is that if you shoot Nikon and want to buy it locally be prepared to wait 4-6weeks. I tried to pick it up in Dublin and every shop I rang had back-orders of 4 weeks+. So I got a friend of mine to pick it up in the States and had it in a week.

    Alan Rossiter

    Thanks Expresbro and the new guy GrahamB (any relation to Graham5012? :? ).

    Fortunately (unfortunately) I don’t have a Nikon. Mines a Sony A-100 so there’s a nice flow of Minolta 50mm lenses floating around. I’ll check that lovely auction site this evening for a DG version.

    Hey, maybe I’ll wet myself too, eh?



    irishwonkafan wrote:

    new guy GrahamB (any relation to Graham5012? :? ).

    Tis I – the artist formely know as Byrne5012

    Madra Rua

    GrahamB wrote:

    For the ?130 price tag i really don’t think you can go wrong.

    You should be able to get it online in Europe for under ?90.
    HERE for example (incl. VAT , add. p&p)


    Yeah I know but I was right outside Conns when I decided I needed a new lens.
    Plus I wanted to play with it straight away


    I like my 50mm Nikkor and was just as happy as you are, but I’ve realized that it’s mainly good for portrait headshots. I have used it in low light as well, where the speed is handy, but I keep wanting a wider prime with the same speed… perhaps a full-frame body would solve my problem..


    Yeah I can’t wait to get someone to sit long enough for me to try it out.


    One more and then I’m done I promise


    Well wear with the 50mm lens. :)

    Noely F

    Aye….’tis a fine lens laddie, and no bones about it :wink:


    Just bought the 50mm 1.4 from the States for…hmm….how can I put it…ALOT cheaper than Dublin stores…

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