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Ichneumon Wasp

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Ichneumon Wasp

  • oshead

    This little critter was found by my dad in his workshop the other day. I havn’t tried to identify it further than the name Ichneumon because they are notoriusly difficult to ID correctly.

    The images here are from a collection of shots using the MP-E 65mm 1-5x Macro lense. You can view the full set hereon my website or hereon my flickr site.

    Dave OS


    Nice set Dave especially #3 with the extended mouth parts (saw this recently on a leatherjacket that I photographed, took a while to figure out what it was).
    BTW I like the blog as well, keep it going ……Mikka


    Great stuff Dave!

    Your website is wonderful! I’ll look back at if often :D

    Thank you!

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