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ID Please?

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ID Please?

  • shutterbug

    I returned to the spot where I saw the Reed Bunting this evening,
    and there was no sign of her, so I hung around a bit to see what else
    there was, this little fella sat and sang his heart out for ages but I cant find
    it in my little birdy book………thought a Blackcap but the black extends to
    far down his face, then thought Willow/March Tit but I think he was a bit
    big and they dont have such a pronounced black bib, Stonechat…no orange
    so I’m stumped…..any suggestions? :roll:

    Alan Rossiter

    I know a bramling is similar to a stone chat. I’m no expert…I’m just guessing! Maybe…?



    I dunno Alan, I think bramlings have a bit of orange on them?
    Im no expert either :) But I am sure the experts out there will
    come to my aid!


    I am now wondering if this is a male Reed Bunting?


    Yep. I think it’s the husband of the one you photoed the other day.

    Nice one.

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