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id this bird….updated smaller image

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id this bird….updated smaller image

  • keith

    joe_elway wrote:

    Pity it’s flying away. Other way around and this shot would be something out of this world, esp with that background.

    Keith, where’d you shoot it? That might help us nail it down —- until John comes along and tells us exactly what it is :)

    thanks guys it was shot a the base of bray head in co wicklow i have another shot that isnt as good that ill post which might hely you id it. Apparently there are two kestrels nesting on bray head???

    Noely F

    Looks like a juvenile gull to me :wink:


    Noely F wrote:

    Looks like a juvenile gull to me :wink:

    I’ll second that. I’m 95% it’s not a kestrel.

    John Griffin

    Its a juvenile Herring Gull. 110% not a Kestrel!!

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