Ok, so exposure wise it’s a little hot, but if you’ve shot RAW I’m sure you can pull it back a bit. I prefer this shot, even with the eyes open. He’s in context and it’s more of a story. Pity his feet are chopped off ;)
I would be more than happy to have some company for going around streets with camera.
I have to keep my eyes open, to see next time that someone is organaising some group activity.
hmmm…not able to do any climbing with this babybelly, but maybe there will bee something to shoot on the ground level too :)
I just have no idea what to do when I’m on the streets with camera.
Thats like the most scariest point.
heres my thoughts on editing.
I always keep a clean unedit copy of the image.
If people can help me by offering their own views then I welcome the
edits. My originals are always left unchanged in case i don’t like whats done.
I really welcome and appriciate the edits. they help me develop my own skills.