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Invite to Getty Images

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Invite to Getty Images

  • markst33

    Hi there,

    I was recently contacted by Getty Images who came across my photos on Flickr and they have invited me to join them as a contributor.

    I was wondering if anyone else here is also a contributor and can explain to me whats involved or what their experiences are of them ? I know they are a stock photography business and the deal is that you submit images and they either select or reject the images and you get royalties for any ones used. Thats about the extent of my knowledge.

    Mark S.


    Hi Mark, I was invited also, but most of the images they wanted from me were portrait and buildings both of which I had to get release forms for! This was a lot of hassle for me as it was a separate form for every particular image. They also ask you to fill in forms for tax which is deducted from your “earnings” as far as I could make out. In the end I didn’t bother, they don’t pay very much, though that does depend on who buys it and also another thing I didn’t like was the images could be used for anything, you don’t have a say in it, and as most of mine were people I wouldn’t like to embarrass them if for instance their image was used for aids adds or something similar! :lol:


    I on the other hand didn’t get an invite ;) :)


    Mark wrote:

    I on the other hand didn’t get an invite ;) :)

    Ahh don’t take it personally Mark! :D

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