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Hi folks been looking at the IPF website and can’t find info on becoming a member if your not in a club, does anyone know if you have to be a member of a club to join or can you join without first joining a club, I know there’s a club near me but they meet on a night when I’m usually working so would prefer to join without going the club route.
stcstcMemberyou dont really join the ipf yourself, you join with a club. if its so you can do the distinctions etc then the ipf now allow people who are not members of clubs to apply
it is worth being around people in a club, as they help when it comes to applications for distinctions etc. have a look around there are a few clubs north and south of bray too, one of those may meet on a night that suits
Dermot1ParticipantThanks Steve, it’s basically to do the distinctions, figure the focus needed to put a panel together would be good for concentrating the mind and make me strive toward something, but I’ll check out clubs around Bray too, thanks for reply.
stcstcMemberits worth being around club members, who have been through the distinctions etc
i know when i did mine i had a good bit of advice etc
brendancullenParticipantHi Dermot,
I don’t think you can become a ‘member’ of the “Irish Photographic Federation” until you have achieved your LIPF distinction.
You can submit a panel of images at the November session’s without joining a club. This will be approx €80-85
The advantage of being in a club is not only will you get help and guidance – but the LIPF application will be only €40-45.
So it makes sense to pay €40-50 to join a club. http://www.irishphoto.ie/ has a full list of approved clubs.
You can search both this site and http://www.Flickr.com using search words “LIPF Panel” and you will see many successful and unsuccessful panels.
I’d strongly recommend downloading all the info from the UK version as their tutorials and guidelines are very good. http://www.rps.org/
My ‘bit’ of advice is to print off your best 100 shots on 6×4, bring them to a club meeting – and let the elders choose a panel for you.
hope this helps,
texMemberMy ‘bit’ of advice is to print off your best 100 shots on 6×4, bring them to a club meeting – and let the elders choose a panel for you.
I think this is poor advice to offer, I mean how is a budding photographer meant to improve if other people are asked to select their panel for them. Should your panel succeed how much credit can the photographer take. I can see the following year he himself will be picking a panel for someone else.
Photography should be a form of self expression and not several other peoples opinion. Pick your own panel and be a complete photographer from taking to selecting. Believe me there is a lot more satisfaction in it.
TEX, FIPFbrendancullenParticipantPhotography should be a form of self expression and not several other peoples opinion.
Perhaps you are right….but success in the LIPF Panel will be the ‘opinion’ of 8 judges.
stcstcMemberi dont think getting someone else to choose is quite right, BUT i also having gone through it think it is most important to have the opinions of other people who have been through the process of putting panels for distinctions together
Green MeanieParticipantI see where Brendan is coming from. If you had 100 of your best I guess you would have a fair idea which where your strongest and a club would help you refine the choice.
texMemberI firmly believe that every photograper should be capable of selecting his/her own panel and then asking just one person who they respect, their opinion. You can of course bring a few alternatives. If you are unable to select a basic panel , you are not ready to go for that distinction. Second opinions are useful but the primary selection should be done by the appliciant. Obvious signs that you are not ready are when your work is usually to be found in the bottom end of any club competition. The reverse is true when you are consistantly at or near the top.
TEXstcstcMemberwell i must disagree with you
i think being any good as a photographer etc doesnt make you any good at choosing a panel particularly for a distinction. there are photographers in our club that are very very good, but really struggle with the whole panel ideas
As for your obvious signs
I must be the exception to the rule
i was winning most of the competitions in my current club, and had a good understanding of photography i think, but really didnt understand the panels so i needed a lot of advice
But got my distinction of the first attempt
i also having been involved in other clubs with presentations etc, seeing other photographers struggle with the principles, and understanding the relativley vague guidelines from the ipf
texMemberI think from your post that a person could assume that other people got your distinction for you.
stcstcMemberin what way could you assume that
Putting together a panel is a competely different kettle of fish than say putting your own exhibition together or a portfolio
i kind of resent your suggestion that someone else got my distinction for me, have you talked to people in your camera club who struggle with the complications of distinctions
i really do think your over simplifying the whole system.
have you done some of your disticntions?
did you have any help or encouragement?did you completely understand the vague guidelines from the ipf without someone having to explain them to you
climberhuntParticipantI think there’s a happy mid-point here. Bringing in 100 shots and expecting someone to pick the panel does seem a bit over the top to me, and a lack of understanding by the photographer of how a panel should be put together. A photographer should have the “eye” for seeing what works together and what doesn’t. On the other hand, I don’t think it’s necessary to do it alone, or have just one person say yay or nay.
I believe what’s quite common is for the photographer to bring in a proposed panel to the club with 3-5 spares, and ask a couple of the members who have already gone through the process their opinion, maybe see whether the spares would suit the theme better, even though they may not be the strongest shots. The initial idea and theme will have been picked by the photographer, and the advisors can tweak it to be the best it can possibly be, with plenty of input from the photographer, of course. It’s also important to get advice on whether it’s a waste of time with the proposed panel, as it can be very costly to get that many images printed and mounted.We had Mark Segwick (IPF President) give a talk to our club on the topic of distinctions, and it was very useful. He gave loads of useful info on how may images, how many errors each level is allowed (LIPF-2, AIPF-1, FIPF-0!), common mistakes, etc. etc. Well worth getting him in for a talk.
Dave, LIPFtexMemberI think Dave’s post here, is one that I would agree with. A friend of mine who I would consider an excellent photographer aproach several members in his club with his panel and found that he finished up with a completely different panel than what he started out with. Needless to say his panel was shot down on the judging day. To my mind there were just too many cooks stirring his broth. Some years later he approached me and with just one change his panel sailed through. I hasen to add that he more or less decided for himself what change to make and I just endorsed it.
To my mind your panel is just one large photograph which you apply your sense of composition to, much the same as you would do out in the field.
I have always picked my own panels and I have all the IPF distinctions.Cheers
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