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Japanese Wedding

  • MartinOC

    Not really a shot for C&C, just thought I’d post a photo of a Japanese wedding procession to show what it’s like.
    This is a Shinto (religion) wedding, at a shrine. Damn tourists in the background ruining my photo, as I ruin theirs.



    Oh wow Martin,

    thats a fabulous shot and yeah feck the tourists lol

    Its great to see weddings from other countries and a fresh perpective on their cermonies. The clothes and robes are amazing.

    Its a great shot and thanks for letting us see it.



    Can I be really nosey… but be curious in a “getting to know people” way… and ask what has you living in Japan. Just nice to get to know people a bit better.

    I enjoy seeing a Paddy giving us some insight into a different culture like this. The shot… like you say… is one of interest… and I’m interested to know more.



    Interesting picture.. There seems to be a little contrast in the way people are dresses (the guy in the suit and tie).
    That looks like a beautiful building as well, is that where the wedding took place?


    it’s nice but formal …
    I would play with this pic….
    … just my feeling….


    yes the wedding took place in that building, it is the main shrine in Tokyo, in woodland in a park.
    The priests’ shoes are something else.
    Other people get married in fake western style churches, and western men can get nixers performing the
    ceremony, i.e. being the priest.

    thanks for the image suggestion, normally I don’t do colour pop, but it is quite funky here,
    totally changes the atmosphere. Well spotted.

    I’m here because I’m a bit of a wanderer. I have lived in a number of countries in Europe and in the US
    but always wanted to live in Asia for a while. In January I got here. I still have my family and mates back in Dublin and
    may end up back there, the wanderlust is gradually waning, thank God.
    There is a couple of Irish in the company I’m in out here, and you do meet other Irish
    living here. There was a FAS scheme to place graduates in Japan for a couple of years experience which was
    very popular and I guess many (I know 2 from school) who stayed out in Japan.

    It is a nice life, quite relaxed even though it’s a 35 million people city. Whether is usually a bit better than
    Ireland except at the moment as its rainy season and very hot and humid. The food is fantastic.
    And it really is a unusual/interesting culture, even just trying to find out how people think is a challenge.

    I’m off to Paddy Foley’s now for an after work drink (submerging in the local culture).


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