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jb7 Announcement

  • nfl-fan

    jb7 just had a 120 year old Suter Aplanat delivered and is very excited.

    He couldn’t contain himself and shared his news on another thread that might not get the same exposure as anything posted in General Chat.

    Whilst my initial reaction was I then realised that following his slightly bad humour yesterday anything that makes jb happy, makes me happy and when jb is happy, then everyone else can be happy… and post a few stock gathering competition adverts.

    I’m off to get my anorak now… and go count some birds.

    Yours Truly


    Is it safe to come back here yet?

    I know I said three months after the last post in that thread,
    but it seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet- The Planet, not Aplanat.

    Thanks nfl,

    I’m so excited-
    I just can’t hide it…


    And I know I know I know I know I know I want you…

    So.. what is a Suter Aplanat and why are you so excited?


    PS. Wet out there today… 1 Pigeon, 2 Mallards.


    Well it’s an old brass lens-
    A kind of a rapid rectilinear-

    I won’t know until I’ve tested it,
    and the description was vague, so I can’t rely on that-

    It was described as a 600mm, but holding it up to the light shows it to be a good bit shorter-

    It should have a very sharp centre, getting softer as it goes to the edges.

    It’s about ƒ/8, should cover up to 20×24 inches, (stopped down a couple) and has a slot for Waterhouse stops,
    though I’ll have to make my own,
    it didn’t come with any-

    It’s in reasonably good condition, but is missing its hood…

    Suter started making lenses in 1869, in Basel in Switzerland, and was a very good lens maker by all accounts.

    This one has quite a low serial number,
    though I haven’t been able to find an exact date,
    I reckon it’s at least 110 years old.

    Our friend Mr. Welsh might have used a lens like this,
    though his seem to have been mostly wide angles of the same design…

    Yes, wet-
    two robins…

    Alan Rossiter

    nfl-fan wrote:

    PS. Wet out there today… 1 Pigeon, 2 Mallards.

    Initial reports from home when I asked the question was, and I quote “Well, there’s a fuppin cat out there under the shed…how long more should I look?”

    And congrats to JB on his new arrival. Can’t wait for the christening. Can’t even to begin to understand anything that was said about the lens (well, anything below “Well, it’s an old brass lens-“) but I’m sure a picture will tell more than a thousand words.


    Alan Rossiter

    By the way – you don’t need to have over 4000 posts to reply to this thread (as he says, gingerly pointing out the fact that he’s hit the 4K mark and nobody noticed…not even finger-on-the-pulse nfl).



    jb7 wrote:

    Is it safe to come back here yet?

    I know I said three months after the last post in that thread,
    but it seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet- The Planet, not Aplanat.

    Thanks nfl,

    I’m so excited-
    I just can’t hide it…

    Yeah that …… seems to have been humanely put asleep alright.

    I think your actions may have forced the hand of the “almighty”.

    That lens sound fascinating.

    Found this article. Might be of no use or you might have seen it. But shure
    what harm either way.



    PS Weather is c*** here today no mistake. Wonder is it anything to do with the fact that
    our esteemed fellow member (Lousy) has brought his party leader to Wexford today?


    PI trip to Joe’s Gaff… “A History of Photography Equipment by Joseph Burns”. On a serious note… I would be curious to even see a photo of your all the stuff you have.

    I bought a Canon D30 (not to be confused with 30D) last week… Canon first fully fledged DSLR (they had a couple of models before this but they had Kodak parts inside). 3 Megapixels, 3 FPS, 3 Autofocus Points. Original cost was about £3000 Irish Punts… I paid €100.

    (I was so excited too…. I thought “I’m gonna take some great photos with this thing, and then when the usual posts show up asking what camera to buy I’m going to be really evil and put a spanner in the works by recommending a D30 for €100 and posting some sample images” mwa hahahahaha)


    Thanks Alan-

    Not feckin lookin, was he-

    Well done, welcome to the sadder, more obsessive echelon…

    Thanks John, I had found that one, talks more about rapid rectilinears, I think…
    of which Aplanats seem to be a minor branch-

    It’s the specifics of the date I’d be interested in-
    don’t have the lens in front of me right now, but the serial is something like 2694-

    And I don’t think anyone’s hand needed to be forced-

    A picture-
    well, maybe it’ll be a good subject for a still life…


    Wonka – 5000 is the new 4000.


    Ah nfl-

    not even to be confused with a D300-
    can’t wait to see the pictures-
    on these pages, possibly indistinguishable from everything else,
    if that’s not a blasphemy?

    This is my first proper antique lens-
    well, saying that, I do have a few from the 1930’s…

    But will be interesting to see what this one does…


    irishwonkafan wrote:

    By the way – you don’t need to have over 4000 posts to reply to this thread (as he says, gingerly pointing out the fact that he’s hit the 4K mark and nobody noticed…not even finger-on-the-pulse nfl).


    Hey there Alan thats some going to hit 4K and counting.
    Well done and some excellent contributions in there on the
    image, advice and entertainment front.

    And here am I struggling along here with 3 edible desserts and bursting my B***** to get to 4.

    I realised last night that after 4 I have to do it all over again to get another one.
    Then I realised the amount of time taken up getting to 400.

    Not that it makes any difference whatever to me how many pies I have. :shock: :shock: :shock:

    I have too much to do to be doing this.

    But hey what can you do.



    But will be interesting to see what this one does…

    Another trip to Capel Street?

    if that’s not a blasphemy

    From what I’ve seen of it so far you might not be far wrong… I’m starting to think that all they change is the model number and FA else.

    BTW: I’m not sure what the 3 months thing is about… did I miss something… reading between the lines I’m guessing you imposed yourself a 3 month General Chat ban? If this is true then I’m thrilled to have been the one to lure you out… the power of the nfl is not to be taken for granted. If this isn’t the case and I’m reading into that comment incorrectly then feel free to let a loud cough while repeating the word ‘plonker’ at the same time.

    Alan Rossiter

    nfl-fan wrote:

    Wonka – 5000 is the new 4000.

    Beware of false Gods…my 4K was built without the use of a word association thread or a mere dabble in a “Where am I” thread…as is your case too. Maybe the new 5000 is anything but.

    Thanks for the sentiments 5faythe. I’ll bet there’s many here that have replied to your threads but would fail in pronouncing your name correctly, eh John?
    Meanwhile, back to the serious nature of brass lenses with rapid rectal liners and digital antiquities…

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