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jb7 Announcement

  • jb7

    Now Alan-

    I agree wholeheartedly about the… that…
    I can’t even bring myself to say it-
    that deleted thread- and I never posted a single word in it.

    A long time ago now, the op stopped talking to me, after I called that thread ‘a pollutant’

    Ah, happy memories…

    I don’t have the same view about the ‘where am I ‘ thread-
    apart from anything else, I posted about ten pictures in that one,
    and was the cause of a minor kerfuffle.

    Not the same thing at all,
    there is a world of a difference-

    Go on, admit it-
    you just didn’t know any of the answers…

    Capel Street?
    Don’t think so, I got this one to do portraits…
    Although it is called a Landscape lens…


    Right… I’m off to PM Wonka to find out what this ‘deleted thread’ thing is all about. As unofficial Ambassador to General Chat I need to know everything that goes on around here.


    nfl-fan wrote:

    But will be interesting to see what this one does…

    Another trip to Capel Street?

    if that’s not a blasphemy

    From what I’ve seen of it so far you might not be far wrong… I’m starting to think that all they change is the model number and FA else.

    BTW: I’m not sure what the 3 months thing is about… did I miss something… reading between the lines I’m guessing you imposed yourself a 3 month General Chat ban? If this is true then I’m thrilled to have been the one to lure you out… the power of the nfl is not to be taken for granted. If this isn’t the case and I’m reading into that comment incorrectly then feel free to let a loud cough while repeating the word ‘plonker’ at the same time.

    An innocent fellow member made a comment on the “where am I” thread concerning the large quantity
    of pages/replies (whatever) that it had received.

    Like a fool I pointed out that this was only in the hapenny place compared to the “unmentionable” thread which
    had a 100 pages.

    I even helpfully provided a link to said thread.

    Within hours this thread, which had lain dormant for over 2 years, sprang in to life again.

    This resulted in self imposed exile for our esteemed colleague Joseph, embarrasment for myself and
    eventual extermination of the thread by some unseen and obviously powerful force. RIP.

    Mea culpa and all that.

    That’s it John.


    Alan Rossiter

    jb7 wrote:

    Now Alan-

    I agree wholeheartedly about the… that…
    I can’t even bring myself to say it-
    that deleted thread- and I never posted a single word in it.

    A long time ago now, the op stopped talking to me, after I called that thread ‘a pollutant’

    Ah, happy memories…

    Go on, admit it-
    you just didn’t know any of the answers…

    The thread was alive and well a couple of days ago…hadn’t noticed it’s demise. And yes, I had difficulty with the locations…even more difficulty with the answers. A traveled person I am not…don’t even have a passport. Fishguard on a day trip or Inisheer are my most exotic relocations so unless it’s one of them, I’m dumb!
    I remember your addressing the thread as a pollutant…well received it was, not!


    “Word Associations” is gone? Good bloody riddance.

    If I was a General Chat Moderator none of this would have ever happened.



    jb7 wrote:

    Well it’s an old brass lens-
    A kind of a rapid rectilinear-

    I won’t know until I’ve tested it,
    and the description was vague, so I can’t rely on that-

    It was described as a 600mm, but holding it up to the light shows it to be a good bit shorter-

    It should have a very sharp centre, getting softer as it goes to the edges.

    It’s about Æ’/8, should cover up to 20×24 inches, (stopped down a couple) and has a slot for Waterhouse stops,
    though I’ll have to make my own,
    it didn’t come with any-

    It’s in reasonably good condition, but is missing its hood…

    Suter started making lenses in 1869, in Basel in Switzerland, and was a very good lens maker by all accounts.

    This one has quite a low serial number,
    though I haven’t been able to find an exact date,
    I reckon it’s at least 110 years old.

    Our friend Mr. Welsh might have used a lens like this,
    though his seem to have been mostly wide angles of the same design…

    Yes, wet-
    two robins…

    Is this going to sit on front of the POINT AND SHOOT?

    where is the original thread for this recent purchase??


    nfl-fan wrote:

    If I was a General Chat Moderator none of this would have ever happened.

    which you are not


    No Alan, not the point and shoot-
    the bigger camera-

    If I could just squeeze in a little update about the thing that I’m really excited about,
    even if everyone else has forgotten what the point of this thread was-
    I did a little test, and this thing is really a 450mm-
    Isn’t that really interesting?

    ok, back to your swashbuckling…


    I haven’t forgotten Joseph… looks like your good buddies 451 and The Barothi have though.

    So… are you still excited… even after figuring out that it’s not quite as long as you were hoping?


    what is this all about


    Liam2673 wrote:

    what is this all about



    You have to wonder sometimes if people can’t just read… and if others have SFA else to contribute?


    Liam2673 wrote:

    what is this all about

    Well. nfl deigned to introduce a topic somewhat related to photography-
    In General Chat. A pollutant.

    Then General Chat took over, and now, thankfully, it’s back on track.

    I should just have gone straight over to member’s announcements with my good news, but he preempted me-

    nfl, yes, still very excited-
    I haven’t mounted it yet, I’m still considering my options-
    or rather, still not sure which bit is the front…


    Yes, back on track. It’s almost criminal to try and have a semi-decent conversation here that being 40% proper convo, 60% sprinkling of humour/wit/mickey taking etc.

    I wish I could get so excited about these things… haven’t bought a lens in a while now, you buy the fancy ones and never want to return to the crappy ones.

    Make sure and post us a pic when she’s all up and running… a pic of the lens on the body and a pic taken with it too.

    On a side note I took some photos with my D30 last night… and was fairly impressed. I’m ready for the next LoFi event now.

    Edit: I’m ready for the next LoFi event now and interferance with the “What camera?” threads.

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