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Jess the Springer

  • jessthespringer

    The day after we got her…


    Picture is too large, better if it is reduced to 800 pixels!



    Jess looks really nice. Shes at the age where she will eat everything including table legs, chair legs etc. Below is my terror a week after we got him. Hes 2.5 now and still behaves like a 6 month old

    Ben’s a Cocker Spaniel


    I remember it well; table legs, boots, cds, skirting boards, doors and laundry, all
    for the dump. Gorgeous pup, though the image is a little large. As already suggested,
    800 pixels on the longest side is a pretty good size for viewing at most resolutions…

    Just for you Sinead, this Jaz the Springer,
    now seven years old and still terribly uncivilised…



    Thanks guys for the comments, as i said in an eariler post.. i am rubbish at anything to do with computers, but will give it a go for the next lot i want to put up.

    Beaut dogs Martin and Rob, and yes Jess does chew pretty much anything, (cardboard boxes around the table legs, good protection!!) socks are by far the the fave though!




    ahhhh she’s a gorgeous dog. My husband and I had a beautiful springer for almost 11 years called Harry and he was such a character. He was our baby and then when after 10 years we did get our beautiful baby daughter he left us and went to the doggie heaven in the sky and I still miss him terribly.

    Springers are the most beautiful natured dog and a lovely breed and I wish you lots of joy with your new puppy.

    We are definately going to get one ourselves next year – I cant wait.

    Rob – Jazz is a gorgeous dog too, she has a clever head on her. Do you breed from her at all? Shes a beauty.


    P.s. I know I’m gushing but I LOVE dogs and I adore Springer Spaniels.


    Thanks Helen, springers are great, as you said very good natured and great craic, heres one just for you…

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