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JFK new Ross

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JFK new Ross

  • john sheridan

    This is my first upload as I haven’t got the hang of it yet, but would appreciate any c&c on this one.



    Well done John and I hope you’ll be able to upload more images for the future.

    The image is a good ‘record’ shot and a nice ‘first post’
    Hope everything works out ok for you.

    Pat :wink:


    Hiya John! First off, welcome to the site.

    This isn’t bad for a first post I must say.
    It’s nice and contrasty for one thing, and the lettering in the background adds to the effect.
    The only thing you need to look out for are those blown highlight in the face, although being the material it is it might be hard to expose correctly (and it looks like you’ve done a decent job anyway!)

    You might try a more interesting compostition next time though, as the angle is quite…dull.
    Don’t mean offense by that by the way! Great first post hope to see more!


    Relly nice picture. like the fact the text is cropped in this image. Would make a good experiment in DOF to throw the writing further out of focus, just a little bit. Look forward to seeing more


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