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Laptop or PC?

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Laptop or PC?

  • Pitmatic

    my PC is 5 or 6 years old now and has beenlargely well behaved but my 19″ monitor died a while ago and i have been getting by with a 15″ crt.

    now if I was to spend my kids food money on a new computer should I go down the route of a desktop PC with a nice big monitor or should I get a laptop which wont have as big a display?

    I really only use it for the web and processing with elements (I cant stretch to full PS yet) so what do you think?

    Anyone have a preference? opinion? or itch?

    miki g

    I tend to go for laptops mainly for the convenience of being able to move around with it ie If I’m watching a film on tv in the sittingroom and want to edit photos etc or if I want to browse the internet etc in another room or if travelling. Laptops are not as powerful generally as a desktop, but I find mine perfect for everything I use it for without problems.


    I agree :P :P :P :P


    the main issue with a laptop, is the screen, generally they not as good a a good desktop monitor

    so if colour is critical to you avoid a laptop, mind i must say i do enjoy being able to use the laptop rather than my desktop at night, means i can sit in the front room and watch tv too, he he


    Me too, Steve. My ancient desktop mostly languishes alone while I multitask in the kitchen with the laptop.

    The laptop is a bit larger/heavier than usual,
    so I have a nifty little c. 10 inch one which can fit into my handbag.

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