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Large file film processing to digital?

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Large file film processing to digital?

  • Denise–

    Does anyone know any place in Ireland that develops film to digital but converts it into large files?

    I can get it done in my chemists but the photo files are teeny (even after resizing it in photoshop etc).

    I know there are some places where you can send them by post and pay by card to get them sent back but I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations? It’s just regular 35mm film.


    Where are you based Denise?

    Gunn’s in Dublin possibly do…


    Just asked in my local pharmacy if they can do bigger files and got MB sizes back so happy days. Sorted :)


    Excellent !

    If you’re having to get alot of scans done it might be worth buying a scanner. I develop my own (have a backlog to get through) and scan.
    Easy to do both tbh if you have the time to spare of course :)

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