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Large format first attempt+canon 1D

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Large format first attempt+canon 1D

  • niallmac

    my only colour shot from a shoot in college yesterday with the lovely Lisa and Lissa,the other colour shot(i only took two) didn’t turn out,thinking the darkslide wasn’t removed…won’t be making that mistake again. i have some black and white images which i’m not as happy with. it looks a scary beast the 5×4 but i’m pretty pleased with this for a first attempt.

    plus two taken with the Canon 1D mark111 and 14mm lens


    5×4 camera’s can be very tricky to get the hang of, I got to use one a few years ago, with almost no instruction on how to use it. Once you get a few shots done it gets easier, but still takes a lot to get the hang of. Your first attempt came out well, even with such a shallow depth of field, which is something I found rather hard to come to terms with at first, though I never used it to photograph people.

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