The subject: The Last Supper
Painted by: Leonardo da Vinci
Where? Milan, refectory of the Santa Maria delle Grazie convent
When? From 1494 to 1498
Size: 460 x 880 cm (181 x 346 in)
Technique: Tempera with oils on white lead and calcium carbonate
Image: Size: pixel (172181 x 93611)
Color depth: 16 bit per channel
Shots: May, 7 – 2007
Number of shots: 1677
Computing: CPU: 2 Two Quad Core AMD Opteron? processors
16 Gigabyte RAM memory
2 Terabyte hard disk space
Photographic Equipment: Camera: “Nikon D2Xs”
Lens: “AF-S Nikkor 600mm f/4D IF-ED II”
Real time acquisition Software: Nikon Camera Control Pro
Postprocessing and real time verification software: Nikon Capture NX
Pointing Device: Motorized Panoramic Head:
Notes: Great care has been adopted in the Last Supper illumination during shooting. Lighting system has been tested and validated in the Photometric Laboratory of the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro not to damage the painting