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Le Hook

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Le Hook

  • nfl-fan

    After a few dramatic sunsets the past few days I decided to drive down to the Hook Lighthouse the other evening only to be greeted by a pretty crap sunset.

    I’ve been here 4-5 times now… and always feel there’s a far, far better shot to be had.

    Personally I think this is only average… and it looks sharper on my own monitor but a tad naff on nfl-sr’s… and horrific on my work monitor.

    You’d be forgiven for thinking there was a halo around the lighthouse too… I thought the same myself… but when viewed at 100% there isn’t.

    andy mcinroy

    Sorry John,

    You’ve blown it.

    It’s a shame about the sky too because the lower section is beautiful, particularly the intriguing channel to the right and also the horizon line to the left.

    But the sky is blown in several areas, the worst of which is actually the section just above and to the left of the lighthouse which looks like a little firey posterised ‘C’ in the sky.

    I suspect that you might come back and say that your luminescence histogram was fine. However, I can tell by the posterisation around the highlights that your red channel is badly clipped in the RAW. This posterisation is common when postprocessing clipped channels.

    I’m not sure if there is much you can do to correct this now to be honest which is a shame too because apart from that it is a great photo. I think it needed perhaps a full stop less exposure in the field.


    personaly i disagree with the above. i think its a beautiful shot for exactly what it is. regardless of the highlights being blown I think it works for the photograph, it dosent always have to be perfect and by the book and i think its evident in this shot. the sky is dramatic and the foreground compliments it very well. i wonder to dramatise it more by putting it in black and white? a fine job.


    To be honest the blown bits don’t bother me that much. Sporting six stops of Lee it just wasn’t enough. It was even blown with a minus two stop exposure.

    I was down there in Jan too, pleasant sunset, well exposed shots, but something was lacking with them too.

    As mentioned, I think it’s average but there’s better to be had, blown bits or not.

    Thanks for the comments.

    i love the golden horizon! i wouldn’t worry too much about the sun-eats-detail-space…it is actually more realistic because our eyes can’t manage that as well in many situations. The golden horizon against the rose sky is wonderful, the cliffs in the foreground add dramatic. A great image….i hope you will love it some day as well (;

    Cheers Madeleine


    Great pic John,
    have to get down that way some time this year, the blown sky in parts is a little distracting but what are you going to do – try again :(
    Could you have tried two exposures one for the sky one for the foreground and blended them in PS? probably difficult with the lighthouse though.

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