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Leica M6 + Neopan 400 + Nikon Coolscan VED

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Leica M6 + Neopan 400 + Nikon Coolscan VED

  • kanxz

    jb7 wrote:

    I haven’t seen marks like that before either-
    but I wonder if it could be drying marks,
    from bubbles left by suds-
    Did you use washing up liquid as a photo flo?

    There does look to be developer bubbles as well though-

    Good series-
    I like the Trawler, and the last one-
    and the one of the C sharp major…


    Hi Jb7,
    Thanks for your comments, but I do know its coz the space on the reel between the two layers of the film is too narrow, so the chemistry can’t flow inside, when I finish washing, some film at the end part overlap together. So the main problem is when I wind up the film to the reel, the two samll balls on the reel not at the same position, but I start to rolling it… :oops:



    Hi Water,

    Nice job!!! The last super wide angle is really nice!


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