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Leica M8

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Leica M8

  • guthrij

    Pretty good deal on a new Leica M8. £2899 and you get £650 back from Leica. Spend another £350 on a Voigtlander 35mm f1.4 VM Nokton Classic and you have got a great piece of kit.

    No black dots or red haloes. Just an old fashioned, outdated and, comparatively, low tech piece of camera heaven.


    oh, it’s digital.


    If it had a sensor like the Nikon D3, full frame and with good high iso image quality, it was a good offer… but that sensor is not even level with the older Canon 5D (at least, I didn’t like the images I have seen so far from that camera).

    And the price… still outrageous.


    Well Zoltan, I guess you either love the M8 or hate it. Me? I have a D3 and think it is the best DSLR ever but I like my M8/Leica lenses more.

    Cheers, John


    I don’t hate it, I just wish they waited a few more years with it or released an M9 with a full 35mm sensor… something that you won’t have to change for 30 years… then I could probably justify the price. I do use iso 1600 when I shoot digital, and a quiet, unobtrusive rangefinder with clean iso 1600 or 3200 would be the dream for me.

    The above price looks much better than the 4k I was seeing around a year ago… I hope it means, Leica is preparing to upgrade the M8 or release an M9 in the near future…. 5-10 years, and I’ll buy one.


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