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Lens for 500D

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Lens for 500D

  • beanmaker

    Am only getting started and am looking to add to my kit lens. I reckon a telephoto would be a good addition to my 18-55mm kit lens.
    any advice, views on what to buy would be a great help.


    It all depends on what you shoot. If you’re going into landscapes, consider a wide lens (I have the Tamron 11-18mm and its awesome). If you’re more into portraits or need a good all-round lens, get the “nifty-fifty” Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens for about 100 euro (this lens gets good reviews everywhere and is a great beginner’s lens). If you want to photograph wildlife, sports, etc. where range is an issue, consider a telephoto (eg. 55-200mm). In an case, buy the best you can afford. One lesson I’ve learnt is that all the rest of your equipment means nothing if your lens sucks.




    Have to agree with Rob in the lens comment. Invest in your lenses… if you can wait another while then go for the best you can afford(Not the “ahh this will do me for now) One lens I would recommend as a zoom is the Canon 70-200 f4 IS if you can afford that type of money or if you want to do without the IS (image stabilizer)then the older 70-200 f4 would suffice and they can go second hand for about €450-500

    One question, what kind of photography are you interested in?? Sometimes the answer to that question will give you the “Which Lens ” answer you are looking for.

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