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Lens Hood

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Lens Hood

  • Michella

    Who is not shooting with one? I was advised that I should never take a photo without.



    Hi Michella,

    Most lenses come with a lens hood.

    They are used to in most cases eliminate flare from the sun and bright lights.

    To say you should never take a photo without one is a bit of an exaggerated statement.

    You can shoot away without one if the sun is behind you, or if it is an overcast day.

    Shooting into the sun with a lens hood on will still result in flare so the lens hood in
    that scenario is kind of redundant.

    I am in the habbit of using one where possible. on my main lens it is constantly on.

    Hope this helps.



    Thanks for the link Alan. It makes sense for outdoor alright. What about indoor/studio? Any idea if it makes a big difference. I use it when I’m feathering the light but that’s not frequently…


    I’m another one for using lens hoods if at all possible, though you won’t get me to admit in public that I’m very, very pleased indeed with the very substantial lens hood that came with the Nikon 24-70 :)

    I only take it off if I’m using filters that sit into a holder. Indoors and studio, why not? It can’t take away from the photo and might stave off some unexpected flare and increase contrast generally if it has any effect at all.


    other big reason for using one is the fact that it will take some of the impact if the lens gets a whack

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