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Let me deer as well

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Let me deer as well

  • randomway

    Just to compete with the deerhunters here. This is my best attempt, so Please be gentle. I shot this with a Nikkor 135/2.8 non-ai on D200 (DIY, better not to tell how it works). Anyway, here it is. I wanted to ask for advice on the crop earlier, so please flood this thread with good ideas!

    PS. I hope, I haven’t posted it on PI before.

    Participant didn’t post this before. I’d remember. :evil: :wink: I love deer so much I should have been named Bambi.

    I’d love to see what ideas people have for a crop because I think this is so elegant just as it is, but Lorraine sent me a crop of one of my deer that astounded me.

    Can we all post our deer shots? for me?


    Great shot randomway, lovely dof and some great autumn colours to provide a nice background!

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