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Lighting people

  • Cormac

    Hey guys

    I have been forced to put my camera where my mouth is recently and do a few shots at family events.

    Composition etc aside, how do ya’ll feel about the lighting here.

    This was lit on a very sunny day using one speedlight, off camera, through a softbox/umbrella.

    It was at the Royal Dublin Golf Club so I couldn’t hang about and it was the only spot with a reasonable background.

    Thanks in advance and don’t spare the whip…



    The shot is not bad. I quite like it. The flash is a little overpowered and is competing with the bright sun for the key light. The height and position of it seems to be level to the girls head, 3 to 4ft high maybe. This is creating an upward shadow on their faces which is not very attractive. The girls dress is a little over exposed in places. Her face looks a little hot too. You probably would have been better off finding the shade of a tree or something and taking the shot there. Otherwise drop the flash power down maybe a couple of stops and position it a little higher or better still use a light reflector and most of your lighting problems go away. :)

    Hope this helps.
    Dave OS


    That’s great feedback Dave, seems so obvious when it’s explained to you.


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