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little things that make us cross…

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little things that make us cross…

  • jessthespringer

    I’ve just been in the post office, big queue, the person behind me insisted on standing really close to me,
    so close I could feel them breathing on me, ugh!
    This seems to happen me every time I go to the post office, I always seem to end up standing in front of
    the person who smokes rolled up camel dung and has boiled goats bowel for breakfast.

    Not such a big thing, but it makes me a bit cross…

    So, what little things make you cross?


    Spoiled kids who throw a tantrum when they dont get what they want

    People who work in shops and are to busy having a chat with their friends
    on the phone to serve you(this bugs the sӣte out of me)


    If I may… in no particular order.

    10. Cyclists who abuse footpaths and buslanes
    09. Fellas that take 20 minutes grooming to come up with those hairstlyles that look like they’re supposed to be messed up in the first place
    08. Cars Drivers on the opposite side of the road that flash at you because you came within 0.25km of them when passing out another car
    07. Queue skippers
    06. Boy racers abusing the roads and other people’s safety
    05. Banks & Supermarkets with 10 windows/tills, 1 teller/checkout assistant and 20 customers waiting
    04. People who can give stick but can’t take it
    03. Paying Motor Tax and then having to endure Irish roads
    02. Taxation in general and the Governments ability to create new taxes at will
    01. When I go to McDonalds/Burger King… Sales Person: “Can I take your order?” Me: “Can I get a Big Mac Meal with Coke please”, Sales Person: “A Big Mac Meal with Coke… what drink?”

    Rest assured I’ll come up with more.


    People who don’t know how to drive on roundabouts, or purposefully use the wrong lane to avoid a queue of cars in the right lane, risking an accident by pulling in front of the car in the correct lane in order to save 30-60 seconds.

    People who can’t park between 2 white lines.

    People who have to ask the same questions over and over again and never learn when you try to show them what to do (I work in IT…)

    People who see my red and white striped Southampton jerseys and presume I’m on the sunderland bandwagon… though that’s not such a problem anymore since Keane left.

    People taking smoking breaks in work. I don’t smoke. Can I get a 5 minute tea drinking break every hour on top of my breaks? Of course not.

    I’m sure there will be more from me too


    Eastenders….. and its doing it to me NOW.


    oh!!! The World Vision ad on the radio at the moment.

    How dare children not be aware of the political economics of the third world. They should be damn grateful for going to school and having vegetables on their table and never complain about anything and never feel sad, or annoyed, or think things might be ‘unfair’… They don’t know how bloody lucky they are.

    The ad is like a pompous priest’s sermon


    people spelling my name Ritchie…!!! hahahaha



    poo boy.

    How could they do that to a child?
    how could anyone think that was a well written ad?

    Greedy, pushy parents…

    Boycott Glade.
    horrible nasty chemicals anyway.

    In Paul’s house.


    Mobile phone companies (here in the USA) that have a long rambling message after the personal greeting when you get someone’s voice mail.

    If you’d like to leave a message, leave a message. Otherwise hang up or press 1 for more options. To stay on the line, stay on the line. If you want to help us make even more money, stay on the call for another minute or press #

    I just want to leave a F##$% message!!

    Alan Rossiter

    Lone parents allowances as provided by the government.


    Queue skippers….. they should be hung drawn and quartered…..

    People who don’t show up when they are suppose to….

    other than that everything is rosey when I’m on the meds like…


    Romanian’s sending their childeren out to beg on the streets.

    Also Romanian woman begging whilst holding small babies, especially so during the winter months. No place to bring up a child.

    Large groups of foreign exchange students who gather in the middle of a shop for a chat.

    Can’t believe I forgot this one… krusty students with clipboards, one every 500 yards, “Can you spare a moment for Concern?”.

    Smokers who use the world as their ash tray and casually flick their cigarette butts wherever they so choose.

    People who spend their whole life being politically correct.

    Yes Men.


    Alan Rossiter

    The phrase “more in the way of” when referring to rain during a televised weather forecast.

    Eirocm Phonewatch Salesmen who don’t understand that if you have an alarm on your house that you don’t want another one.

    Irish versions of successful reality shows…then replace the successful style with “Irishness”…aka Celebrity jigs and reels, Your a Star, etc

    Conversations that start with “I’ll tell ya what’s wrong with this country” as told by a guy who never worked a day in his life

    The phrase “Binge Drinking”


    1. Same as Jess, I value my personal space. I would never have thought to
    add it to my list but what about people who prod you as they talk…and talk
    …and talk? I hate complete bores, the ones who steal your time with their
    long-winded tedious ramblings. Or people who just turn up at the house
    unannounced and then – amazingly – happen to have a broken computer
    with them for fixing.

    2. People who ride motorbikes on the pavement at 50mph (no word of a lie)
    and don’t even have a helmet on. Is this just in Derry, or has it spread?

    3. The polis who refuse to deal with no.2 and advise me strongly against dealing
    with it myself.

    4. People who complain about those who ask for charity – either for themselves
    or for others. It’s incumbent on any decent human being to give alms – it’s very rare
    for those with much to beg charity from those with little.

    5. Baseball caps

    6. Chewing gum

    7. Tattoos

    8. People who have TV on ALL day

    9. People who dump their bin bags (and, frequently, old
    mattresses, televisions, wine bottles and settees) out on country roads.

    10. People who drive big jeep things but never need to go off perfect tarmac

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