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Loch Corrib

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Loch Corrib

  • FaultyShutter

    Used HDR process through the hydra plug-in in aperture. Concerned about exposure and composition. Thanks!


    A couple of things jump out at me in this shot,
    1. the blown hightlights around the sun, I know its very hard to control when shooting
    directly into the sun, maybe some kind of a filter (nd or polarizer) would have helped a
    2. There are plenty of little spots either from dirty sensor or on the lens.
    Composition wise it is a little bit lop-sided with all the interest on the left of the frame.
    On the plus side the colours are nice and crisp the focus is good and the HDR isnt overdone.


    ah yes notice the spots now of course :oops: Most likely a dirty lens on my part. Any way of reducing sun flare with the HDR? Possibly more -EV?

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