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Lunar eclipse ( er..from last year)

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Lunar eclipse ( er..from last year)

  • fguihen

    Ok, damn clouds just wouldnt let me image the lunar eclipse last night. Really gutted as the next decent one is 2010 i think. anyway, to stay in the spirit of the eclipse, here is my sequence from last year, march i think.

    Taken with a panasonic FZ7 at full telephoto, leaning against the roof of a car. no shots of totality as i couldnt hold the camera still enough and had no tripod. I know the shots are not fully alligned to a propper grid, but it was done at 2:30 that morning and I just never got around to touching it up.

    If this belongs in a different forum, please move it mods, i couldnt see one that suited it any better than the “everything else” forum.
    All critique welcome. Enjoy.


    Rain, Sleet and clouds got me too!!! :x


    Very nice fguihen. Is there much detail in the larger version?
    Nice progressive shots. Pity about the clouds last night though. I gave up waiting for them to clear at about 20 past two. Ah well, roll on 2010 :lol:



    yea, there is a bit more detail, but not a huge amount. its all jpg from that camera you see. Il see if i can dig it out tonight.

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