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Market Day

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Market Day

  • Liam2673

    Like it Liam..

    Has a more Street like quality to it aside from the Ecuador marking on the plate… and I’m not sure if the image says a lot about the Market Day… maybe an accompanying commentary might put it things into perspective… or maybe some additional images to portray the story/scene a bit better.

    Has a real 1940/50s sorta feel to it which I quite like.


    Thanks for the comment.

    Its a B&W conversion and a crop since the original colour is quite dull.

    Market Day….yeah I guess its not that obvious: basically in these market towns, the actual market is on one day per week, say a Tuesday, all the indigenous farmers come down to the town to sell their wares, with several travelling together on the back of a truck with bags of whatever, yuca, potatoes, root vegetables, or animals…..this photo was taken at the end of the day (which was actually quite early afternoon). I like to think that the farmer is adding up his takings for the day.

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