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Microsoft try to kill off Jpeg with it’s new HD f...

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Microsoft try to kill off Jpeg with it’s new HD format

  • stcstc

    I assumed you were, I ment it tongue in cheek

    Have you tried the apple 2 button thingy, its dreadful


    I’m using one,
    pretty tragic alright-

    Imagine the scenario,
    they figure out that the old mechanical mouses are pretty unreliable,
    with all those moving parts getting clogged up all the time,
    so they replace it with a bulletprof optical system,
    even a laser system on the latest ones.

    Then they install a mechanical ball drive in the top,
    and don’t even allow access for cleaning.

    The first few months were great,
    its a useful system when you get used to it-
    And the next generation will obviously be better,
    once they figure out
    that they’d be better off replacing the dodgy rolling ball
    with a far superior optical system.

    Why didn’t they think of that?

    But for now I’m getting pretty tired of a thing that
    doesn’t work reliably.

    Mac bashing in a Microsoft bashing thread.
    Funny old world, eh?



    It is Funny JB

    Like i say I have a KVM switch and use a Mac Keyboard (I use it for final cut pro editing) and a Microsoft laser mouse thingy and a A3 Tablet. They are all connecte dto 2 PCs (windoze XP) a G4 running OS9 and a G5 Running OS X, and it works very solidly.

    I gave up on mac mice when they introduced that stupid round one with the Blue & white G3s

    But most of the good mice brands all work very nicely with OS X, even have horizontal and vertical scroll

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