Sick as a dog this morning, I got up early on Saturday morning to capture the Sunrise and I was hoping for something special. Unfortunately I was this appointed :( and the Sunrise was a non event and I came home with very little. This morning when the wee one woke me at 8.30am, I looked out the window to see the most beautiful sky I’ve seen in a very long time. Alas I was too late and had missed a glorious opportunity. :( :evil:
Well, I’m sure I’m not the only one this has happen too so lets have a few stories of missed opportunities.
i woke up and it was beautifully foggy with a touch of frost, perfect for some more experiments with 5×4 pinholes i thought… by the time i got out it had dissapated quite a bit and the rain was quite heavy by the time i was on exposure 2 :(