Brilliant Stoycho. Have you been logging them for the BTO?
No Pete.
We put close to parents,they are now some place in next garden,but like yesterday no attention to him.They are to busy to gefence other chicks from magpies and jackdaws.
Chick can not fly good,don not think will survive. :(
Thrushes are commonly “rescued” when there’s actually nothing
wrong with them because they do wander about in a rather gormless
way before they learn to fly properly. It’s a wonder any survive at all
with the number of cats around.
In this case, though, you could be right – the parents are just
being pragmatic and feeding the ones they can cope with. Life’s like
that for wild creatures I suppose.
The chick is in the nest now.
Both parents were there several time.
Coming and going(to other chicks probably).
Difficult to see about feeding,bad weather here,cloudy and rainy.
If they start feed again, hope will survive.