Both are nice atmospheric shots, but I much prefer the first one. IMHO, the wash-out in the top-right, and the houses and cars in the bottom-right intrude on the “dreamy” quality of the second photo. But, hey, what do I know :D
The first image has a complex and interesting composition with nice subtle lighting that i really like. It also contains lots of elements of differing textures, concrete wall , sign post ,trees, light and they all balance really well for a creative image. The tree on the far right unbalances it slightly, you might reevaluate this. Nice to see a bit of creativity on the site, well done.
Thanks for the feedback,I tried to capture the moment as it was…without messing about with the levels and saturation too much.I went out to take the milk in and was presented with this beautiful view…so I shot in on auto.
I haven’t really thought about different crops etc.
Its something I’ll have a go at :wink: