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Monument in Lusk Graveyard

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Monument in Lusk Graveyard

  • ossie13

    Another attempt at B&W conversion plus a square format :?: :?:

    As always C&C much appreciated :oops:

    Cheers Steve


    It seems a little dark and lacking in contrast,
    though that could be just where I’m viewing right now-

    I think the sky is better than the blown one on the last version-
    nothing like reducing subject brightness range by allowing the sun to go behind a cloud-
    but I do think it could be less flat-
    subject to my monitor at the moment, of course-




    Loads of potential but a really, really flat and grey looking image. Crying out for the shadows to be boosted and some contrast. Darken the sky, burn some detail into the stone work, enhance the mood.


    This is a quick edit. Adjusted the blacks using Curves, added Contract using Curves, Burned the Shadows. A slight improvement, but you could push the original to make this really bite.


    Thanks J & John

    To be honest I like the original colour shot

    Cheers Steve

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