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  • wjklewis

    I just dropped over for a chat with Frank C but managed to take a few shots. Last time I met Natasha it was her first time modeling and my first time taking the photos so it was good to meet up again. Good to see everyone having a fun time. C & C welcome as usual.

    Sami indoors


    sami outdoors first attempts at TTL Flash


    Hi John, Lovely shots, really like the expressions and it looks like the models were
    really relaxed. I think you have three cracking shots here but i think the treatment
    lets the shots down a bit – I quite like the lighting in all three shots. Technically,
    very well taken.

    I’ve used the first shot as an example, shot is perfectly exposed. Histogram is great
    white point and black point are exactly how you would like them, however, the shot
    still looks a bit dark to me. Don’t be afraid to move the mid-point. I think this
    made a considerable difference to the shot, and it doesn’t look as warm. (All subjetive
    of course). You definitely can afford to sharpen the image a tad, I sharpened the
    eyes and the hair. If you look at the models neck, there seems to be “tan-lines” too.

    Composition wise, I think the shot could be improved with a crop.

    These shots are nothing short of brilliant, I think the only thing that needs attention
    is the editing. A bit more attention and there’s no reason why they couldn’t be published!

    Hope this helps :) If not, just ignore me :D


    Hi Ali, thanks for that that is the most encouraging comments I have had, ever!. You are getting good at this before and after lark (I saw paperdolls shot as well) I can see a big difference is there any chance like Taras that you could send me the PSD with the layers. if thats what im doing wrong at the moment then that would be a great help. Why are they still dark if the histogram is OK?

    That has been a tremendous help to me thanks a lot for taking the time Ali


    Edit What would you suggest for a crop?


    Well essentially it’s all about the distribution of mid tones. By bringing the mid-point to the left, you are moving more of your mid tones to the brighter side(right) of the histogram. I’ll didn’t save the psd but will edit again for you. For the time being, if move the mid-point in the levels to the left you will see a significant difference.


    Thanks Ali your a Gem!


    Tried an edit myself


    Much better skin tone now. She doesn’t look like she’s been tangoed anymore. Much more visible detail and colour in the eyes as well.


    Well here i was, just about to do up your edit and I see this :) This is brilliant John. You’ve really brought out the technical qualities too. I find the eyes a wee bit too bright, but that’s just personal taste. Very well done.


    Thanks for the comments guys, many thanks


    The edit looks great John.

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