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More Religious Artefacts

  • nfl-fan

    Couple more to contribute to an unofficial ‘Holy’ project I might embark upon… to record statues, shrines, grottos, stained glass and other similar religious artefacts whilst on my camera travels.

    Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford

    Ballyhogue, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford


    I like the effect.
    The second has good lighting.
    The first is little bit too contrasty and I would try different position of the shooting. .. to bring the full shadow of the cross into the frame and ‘move’ the trees behind to the side of the cross…. IMO.


    Cheers for the feedback Roberto. Agree about the tree being a distraction.

    Going to start this as a little project for sure now… something different… another taken today.

    Ferns, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford


    Hi John, Excellent idea, no shortage of subjects. I’m just a little concerned in case you start wearing the hair shirt or become flagellant. Mike :)


    Hair shirt… flagellates… you’ve lost me on that one Mick… I was slow enough to pick up on the Larry Adler!!!

    Yeah… quirky little idea, probably not to the taste of a lot of people, but certainly plenty of subjects worth recording around the county… country… world.

    I have a few more destinations marked for my travels and hope to build up a nice little collection over the next few months.


    Very nice shots, and a great topic, you could spend a lifetime documenting the Marion shrines and holy wells.
    I think the vignetting could be a bit weaker in some, it definatley suits the shots. But in a whole set it (the vignetting) could start to look hackneyed.
    Varying the effect across photos may make it more subtle, I’m guessing, and still be effective. Although it does add something, dare I say it, sinister, to the shots.
    Just a suggestion but the shots are great.



    Cheers Martin…

    I totally agree that the vignetting is a bit strong… especially on the two Virgin Mary shots… these were taken in extremely bright light and as well as adding effect I wanted to tone down the shots and make them darker… but I agree… they are OTT. Initially I thought I might try and keep a similar theme across the board in terms of post processing but it’s interesting to get feedback in terms of varying the look. The more I think about it I think you could be right.

    You are right… you could spend a lifetime documenting these sort of shots… and that’s just what I might do. My plan is to approach this in a relaxed fashion… I won’t go hunting them, just let them come to me and hopefully I can look back over the years and have a nice little collection.

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