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Moroccan Woman & Lamb

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Moroccan Woman & Lamb

  • Liam2673

    Took this photo two years ago on a trip to the Atlas mountains. Beneath the house was a manger, quite literally a door on the floor opened into a stairs that led into the manger with cattle, sheep, hens etc. The lamb in the picture was crying, we thought it was a baby at first, before they gave us the grand tour, and brought the little fella up for a feed.


    I like it Liam… shame the lambs face is a bit obscured by herself’s hand but it really has a lovely endearing motherly quality about it.



    I guess she needed to hold it that way to feed it, but I take the point.

    As a matter of interest, this woman told us she is 49 years old, and has three children in their 20s……she certainly doesn’t look it…..must be the mountain air.


    Liam, this one belongs in some form of an historical record of Morocco – it has great warmth and a really traditional feel to it!


    Thanks Ken, its certainly a photo I am fond of. I would like to post it to her, but I’m not sure if its one she would be to impressed with. What I mean is, in these homes any photos they have hnaging on the wall tend to be stiff family portraits where they are wearing their sunday best, and I’m not sure this photo fits that bill….


    ‘hnaging’ means hanging slightly crooked….

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