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My attempt at a "gig" shot

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My attempt at a "gig" shot

  • ciaran

    Ok, so I know it’s yet another portrait from me.. but I guess it classifies as a gig shot.

    Taken at ISO1600, hand held at 1/15″ at 70mm :shock: So it is a little soft and a little noisey. But I think the shot works

    As usual, comments, critique and feedback welcome


    I actually like that it’s a bit soft. The lighting is very effective in creating a mood. You really do capture the “soul” of those you photograph. Well done.


    8) Quite like the noise actually; makes for a real moody shot. Composition beautiful as usual from the master, though the crop (IMO) does throw my eye a little. Don’t know whether those missing pixels should be over his head or extending his neck. Incredible shot though. Like it a lot.


    Seems to work for me Ciaran. The noise certainly adds to the mood.


    I love the noise and the backlight in this shot – His expression seems to be almost euphoric (dunno – could be just me going too deep :roll: )

    Overall the shot leaves you wanting to see more.. of him, the scene and whatever it is that has his attention.

    Its cool



    Thanks everyone :)


    Great shot… reminds me of some of the old shots of Kurt Cobain you used to see a lot of. Love it.


    I like it too. Well used the existing lighting. I would ‘clear’ the white spot on the left side.


    Yep its a goodin!! alright,rock is all about noise anyways!!!! :wink:
    Ben 8)


    why do you think this shot works, Ciaran?

    Blame it on a good Catholic upbringing, but the first thing I saw when I looked at this image was the ‘crown of thorns’ effect in the hair lighting! :) I think the combination of the noise, shallow depth of field and very slight motion blur actually enhance the shot and make it easier for the mind to play tricks and see this effect coming through. The choice of viewpoint, looking up at the emotional subject is pure cruxificition imagery too.

    Or maybe I’m in the wrong ballpark altogether on hte last one as I can also see the Kurt Cobain look there too. I heard recently that the 15th anniversary of the release of Nevermind is just around the corner…. nothing like it to make a person feel old all of a sudden! :?

    Either way, it works as an iconic image.

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